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Modeling & Simulation

Integrated Solution

Maspectra® Clinical Pharmacology, Biostatistics, Modeling and Simulation Workstation

Discover Maspectra Features

A treasure trove of clinical data analysis from statistical analysis to population modeling

Maspectra Platform

A studio providing a full-process solution from data processing to plotting evaluation. Ready-to-use clinical data analysis tools to support your drug development.

Descriptive Stat.
Point Plot
Bar Plot
Box Plot
Learn more


NCA, CA, PD and other clinical pharmacology analysis tools.Learn more

NCACompartment ModelingPD ModelingDose Proportionality

Modeling and Simulation

Easily write various nonlinear mixed-effect models from compartment models to differential equation models based on Python syntax.Learn more



Includes the average bioequivalence (ABE) analysis function with crossover/parallel trial design, and also supports RSABE analysis.Learn more

Crossover Design / RSABEParallel Design

Medical Statistics

Includes common statistical functions such as t-tests, analysis of variance, chi-square tests for cross-tabulation, regression models, and survival analysis.Learn more

t TestANOVAChi-Square TestLinear RegressionSurvival Analysis

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"Maspectra, help me simulate a Concentration-Time profile"

Simulate the CT of an oral one-compartment model with qd dosing of 30mg for 1 month

Sure, we can use Maspectra to simulate an oral one-compartment model with a daily dose of 30 mg for 1 month, with sampling every 6 hours. Here is the complete code example:

Paper Assistant

Automatically generate simulation code based on AI paper reading

  1. Summarize the paper abstract, extract key results, formulas, and covariate information
  2. Describe the simulation scenario and generate a simulation plan
  3. Generate simulation code and plot typical value curves

One Stop to Complete Your Work

Integrated is no longer just talk

One-click Report Generation

Directly browse and export analysis result reports, free from tedious table splicing and formatting.

Workflow Visualization

Use visual workflows to build custom standardized analysis processes and template projects.

Rich Sample Projects

Built-in rich sample projects and examples of various analysis functions to help you get started quickly and carry out your work.

Easy to Use

The modeling and simulation function is developed based on the Python language, and the syntax design is intuitive and easy to understand, making it easy to learn. You can get started and start writing models in minutes.

Intelligent Assistance

Use functions such as code completion, syntax highlighting, inline documentation, etc., to speed up the coding process.

Compatible with NONMEM Models

Supports translating NONMEM models into Maspectra code, zero-cost and easy to get started.

Code Templates

Generate population model code snippets quickly based on built-in code templates to improve modeling efficiency.

Modern User Interface

Practical and beautiful interface design will make you love it

Light or Dark at will

The software supports one-click theme color switching, and you can choose according to your habits.

Click to preview

One Screen for Multiple Tasks

Supports multiple tabs and workspace drag-and-drop partitioning, master the overall situation on one screen.

Publishing Ready Plotting

Use powerful plot editors and interactions to meet your customization needs.
Click to try our rich color schemes


Building User Friendly Software

Committed to providing you with the help you need and a vibrant community

Free Trial

Before making a formal purchase, you can contact us to apply for a 14-day trial period.


User Documentation

Contains introductory cases, UI operation guides, modeling and simulation API introductions, and detailed algorithm theory documents.


Join Community

Welcome to join our community to give us feedback, join user communication, or submit your ideas.



We are working hard to internationalize the software. The user interface in Simplified Chinese and English is currently supported.


Drug Development Workstation

Experience an integrated solution for clinical medicine, statistical analysis, population modeling, data visualization, and report output